Monday, November 26, 2012

New Model Release - John Deere Authentics #4 - 4450 Set

I haven't covered a new model release in a while because.... well mostly because I haven't been very good about keeping up my blog. This release, however I thought was post-worthy and I am happy to say Ertl is producing another authentic tractor. As detailed in the 2013 Ertl Catalog, the John Deere 4450 set will feature 2 classic "soundgards", the 4450 and the ..... 4450. There are two types of farmers, those that have FWA, and those that don't. Well Ertl has you covered here with the 4450 twins. My biggest hpe on these models is that the fenders on the FWA model are highly detailed, and that some portion of that cab glass opens. The 1/64 soundgard castings are already pretty nice, so it will be interesting to see how Ertl, I mean Tony Toys improves. Heres to hoping for detail!

Also I have a few ebay auctions up, if you want to check them out!

Here is a bizarre video of the 4450 plowing with some crazy electric guitar for your viewing excitement.

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